Marilyn Gandolph
Marilyn's Experience
Marilyn Gandolph PA-C, RN has 38 years as a registered nurse and 28 years as a physician assistant. She has been practicing medicine in the Lafayette/Louisville area for the past 25 years. Over the past 8 years she ran her own primary care and functional medical office. Her background also includes Home Health nursing, Sexual Assault Examiner, Medical Legal Consulting, and Aesthetics.
Health Care Specialties
In addition to practicing Family Medicine, Marilyn has specialized training in Bio-identical Hormone Treatment and Functional Medicine which frequently includes treatment for conditions such as mold toxicity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, thyroid issues, headaches, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Marilyn’s true specialty is elevating her patient’s health & well-being by providing them compassionately personalized health care with more treatment options than standard health care providers can offer. Marilyn also provides various different Infusion Therapy’s to support treatment plans.
Marilyn's Personal Note
When I am not busy working, I enjoy camping, ATV-ing, reading, swimming, cooking, crafting, and spending time with my beautiful grandchildren. I would consider it a privilege to be your medical provider and promise you will receive the personalized treatment that is now missing in most health care settings.